USUA President
USUA Board Representative to: All affairs of the Utah State Umpire Association, Bingham Baseball League, Riverton Baseball League, Utah High School Athletic Association (UHSAA), & Wasatch Baseball Leagues
USUA Vice President
USUA Board Representative to: All In Prolook Baseball Tournaments, Better Baseball Tournaments, Cal Ripken - Babe Ruth District & State Baseball Tournament, Ogden City Baseball, Mueller Park Baseball, Nixon Strong Baseball Tournament, Swarm Baseball Tournaments, & Tooele Baseball Tournament
USUA Board Member
USUA Board Representative to: Brighton Baseball, Grantsville Baseball, Olympus Baseball, Stansbury Baseball, & Tooele Baseball
USUA Board Member
USUA Board Representative to: Central City Baseball, Hunter/ Cyprus Baseball, & Rosepark Baseball
USUA Board Member
USUA Board Representative to: Crown Colony Baseball, Murray Baseball, & Taylorsville Baseball
USUA Board Member
USUA Board Representative to: Eagle Mountain Baseball, Lone Peak Baseball, & Utah County
Arbiter - Scheduling
Wendi is a dedicated umpire arbiter game assigner, that goes to great lengths to take care of the leagues and tournaments for USUA umpire services.
USUA Executive Secretary
Sophia is a dedicated umpire and referee, takes meticulous notes and meeting minutes.
USUA Executive Treasurer
Don is a dedicated umpire, and father. Keeps USUA umpires outfitted in our attire and a diligent bookkeeper for the financial obligations.
USUA Social Media Admin
Whitley is a passionate umpire and fun & caring individual who love to help!
USUA Crew Chief Director